The Womb Speaks:

an 8-week Gateless Writing salon

Fridays 3pm - 5:15pm ET
March 3rd - April 21st, 2023

“Everyone in me is a bird.
I am beating all my wings.   
They wanted to cut you out   
but they will not.
They said you were immeasurably empty   
but you are not.
They said you were sick unto dying   
but they were wrong.
You are singing like a school girl.   
You are not torn.

Sweet weight,
in celebration of the woman I am
and of the soul of the woman I am
and of the central creature and its delight   
I sing for you….”
~ Anne Sexton


Gateless writing is a writing method inspired by ancient wisdom lineages and creative science to support you to drop beneath the conditioned critical mind into that ‘sunless sea’, 'under sleep, where all the waters meet' — the interior womb where all creativity springs (Coleridge; Eliot).

We cannot force creativity, however we can recreate the most fertile conditions that creativity naturally flows from. This involves, like the oracles and prophet-healers of Ancient Greece, leaving our ‘above world’ ordinary state of consciousness (the linear rational mind) and entering a non-ordinary, subterranean state. In Gateless we do this with the help of authentic movement, music, incubation, and occasional guided meditation as well as through creating an extremely safe, critique-free atmosphere. In Gateless methodology we only give and receive supportive feedback about what we genuinely loved and appreciated about each other’s writing so that your creative-genius-inner-child can frolic in the fields of experimental play, free of the fear of judgement.

We will gather for ~2 hours each week online to write in this salon’s theme: writing from the womb — experimenting with being guided by the sweet weight of our wombs rather than our linear minds. Each call will include a Gateless meditation, a writing prompt, writing-time, and nourishing Gateless feedback. Poetry and writings from this series will be steeped in the feminine language of eros, imagination, the female body, and the living world. This will be a meaningful salon for you if you wish to deepen your relationship with your womb as your center of wisdom.

Fridays, 3pm-5 pm ET
March 3rd - April 21st

Limited to 10 female participants of any gender identity (and includes females who have had their wombs removed).


*Bring a friend who has never heard of Gateless before and receive $50 off - email me for this rebate


“If we had a keen vision and feeling of all ordinary human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow and the squirrel's heart beat, and we should die of that roar which lies on the other side of silence.”
— George Elliot

“I give you the images I know. Lie still with me, and watch.” - Anne Sexton


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